Alyona’s Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! I am not yet finished with this website. 

About me


In addition to book illustration/ design, I am also interested in art-as-research, where I ask critical questions and explore critical answers. I am currently interested in speculative futures and design. 

Note: I am still working on this website! If the rest of the page isn’t loading, re-load this page and it should come up. 


Welcome to my portfolio! Feel free to browse through my work. 

Book Illustration

About me


Note: This website is still under works, so it may change from how you are seeing it now. Apologies for any issues!

Drawing Futures

This was a project in which I explored the future of sustainable practice 20 years after I graduate university. I created a triptych featuring the potential life of an illustrator ranging from the controversial, the everyday and the leisurely perpective. Conducting an interview with a doctor of energy studies (Dina Subkhankulova), I explored things like range anxiety, smart energy use and speculative design.

These images, along with a piece of writing on futures thinking were submitted and printed in issue 26 of Storehouse Magazine: Past, Present Future. 


An Exploration of Un-Reality

The year is 2045 and the UK is looking different. With the NHS disrupted, private healthcare has taken the forefront. Desperate members of the public turn to cheaper alternatives, giving rise to companies supplying a new ‘DIY’ take on medical care — whether this be fixing your own wrist or prescribing yourself medication. This unethical extortion is not met without opposition, however, and remaining healthcare professionals campaign against this new consumerist trend, urging the government to step up and the public to step back from making risky medical decisions. This project follows such a speculative future, documenting the hypothetical materials developed from such a scenario.

Inspired by Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby’s book Speculative Everything, I concieved a speculative future through a fictional meical campaign. Based on ideas developed from Drawing Futures I looked at advertisements, newspapers and prototypes as a means of presenting this world.  

I created advertisements for a speculative company: DoItYOURhealth, which specialises in healthcare kits. These advertisements are animated, printed and spread wherever possible.
